Sunday, May 30, 2010

Queen Natural Beauty is getting a new look!

Just wanted to let you all know that Queen Natural Beauty is going to soon get a new look! I would personally like to thank everyone that has supported the Queen Natural Beauty brand and our tacky clear or white bottles!!! LOL! But now we are going to a sapphire blue see through container! I am kicking Queen Natural Beauty promotion into high gear and I need the containers to look as good as the product! So, just keep an eye open for our new look.... and thanks again for all the Queen Natural Beauty love!!!!

Stephanie D
Founder Queen Natural Beauty

Thursday, May 20, 2010

10 Cosmetic Uses for everyday food

You know that I am all into natural hair and skincare. So here is something new to add to your collection of natural products. Top 10 cosmetic uses for food

1. Egg White Mask. You can either save your leftover egg whites for an omelet, or use them for your next facial. Just one white, beaten until smooth, is enough to cover your face. As with other masks, let it dry completely, then rinse off. It will leave you feeling refreshed, and your skin will be noticeably more taut.

2. Oatmeal Face Wash. Oatmeal has calming properties that soothe the skin and help reduce redness. It can be used in a variety of ways, from a body wash to a mask, but the most basic is this simple face wash: Mix together equal parts warm honey and lemon juice, then stir in three parts instant oatmeal until it turns into a paste. Apply to your face, then wash off with warm water.

3. Vinegar Hair Cleaner. Swap your conditioner for vinegar twice a month and you’ll get rid of any nasty buildup, as well as improve your hair’s silkiness and shine. Seriously. Don’t use dark or expensive vinegars; stick to cider or white wine vinegar for less strain on the wallet and better results. But don’t do this more than a few times a month or you’ll risk drying out your hair.

4. Honey and Brown Sugar Scrub. Fill a jar about two-thirds full with honey, add a scoop of brown sugar and one halved vanilla bean, and mix. Keep this in the shower and use it as a body scrub that will leave you smelling nice and feeling smooth.

5. Lemon Juice Lightener. Beach-goers have been doing this for years to lighten their locks. Just combine the juice of half a lemon with a handful of leave-in conditioner (which is less goopy than regular conditioner), spread on your hair, and comb through, then wash out. (Note: Highlighted or color-treated hair should be spared this homemade remedy, which could make your hair look brassy.) Many people also apply lemon juice directly to age spots to bleach them out, though this should be avoided on sensitive skin because lemon juice is highly acidic.

6. Coffee: Scrub and Shine-Maker. Your leftover coffee grounds can clog your drain or, if you’re feeling adventurous, be used as an invigorating scrub. Needless to say, avoid doing this if you have sensitive skin. Leftover brewed coffee can also be mixed with some coffee grounds and conditioner to help increase shine in dark hair.

7. Tea Bag Eye Rejuvenator. The quintessential home cosmetic remedy is using cucumber slices on the eyes to reduce puffiness. While that certainly works, brewed black tea bags are even more effective. Place them on your eyes (which should be closed, of course) and let the tannins work their magic—about five minutes should do the trick.

8. Baking Soda Teeth Cleaner. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with a quarter teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide for one of the most basic forms of tooth care that exists. It’ll clean your teeth (some would argue better than store-bought toothpaste), but you’ll be missing out on the minty freshness. Of course, you could just go totally au naturel and gnaw a bit of spearmint for that.

9. Oil Moisturizer. Take a page from many a Mediterranean grandmother: Olive oil works fabulously as a lotion. Use too much and you’ll smell like pasta, but in small doses it works wonders as a daily lotion or massage oil. If olive oil isn’t your thing, sesame oil (regular not toasted), peanut oil, almond oil, and argan oil work too.

10. Cornstarch Bath Powder. Superabsorbent and extremely fine, cornstarch is the kitchen equivalent of baby powder and can be used in the same way. Combine it with a few leaves of a nice-smelling dried herb (rosemary, lavender, or sage, for instance) and pulse it in the food processor until evenly mixed. Sift out any large stray leaf bits, transfer to a container with a shake top (like an old baby powder bottle), and use to freshen up anything from your body to your sneakers.


Natural Hair Network

Ive just set up a social networking site so that we can all network, post our events, ask questions and more all in one place! I set it up, but its gonna take all of you to get it up and running so head on over, join and start participating! With all thats going on with QNB, I wont be over on the network all the time. Its yours so use it and enjoy!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Off the subject of hair, but just plain sad! Aiyana Jones

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

To define curls or not to define curls? That is the question

I often here, "what products should I use to define my curls?". There are lots of products available on the market to enhance and define curls, and a lot of them work! But there is a catch.... They are not natural! That brings me to another question. Why did you go on this journey? Was it because you like the look of natural hair, because you didn't want the chemicals from relaxers, because its the "in" thing to do right now, or some other random reason?
If the answer to that question is because you wanted to rid yourself of the chemicals from relaxers, my next question is why you use all these products on your natural hair that contain chemicals? Seems like an oxymoron, I know but its something that I'm trying to get an understanding on. We brag about being natural, but really and truly, we are not natural!

True natural hair products contain natural ingredients like essential oils, butters, herbs, honey, etc.... Now, I can't give you the hype that it's going to give you super bouncy curls and its going to make your hair appear to be something its not. But what I can tell you is that natural products are the best for your natural hair, it helps it maintain your natural integrity. You will have super healthy, fast growing, thick and beautiful natural hair!

If that's not what you want, this natural lifestyle may not be for you! Because again, if your hair is natural, and you are still using chemicals to become something you are not, you are not truly natural.

I was guilty too, once upon a time!

Queen Natural Beauty
Stephanie D

Sunday, May 16, 2010

4 steps to reaching your dreams!

1) Plan purposefully

2) Prepare prayerfully

3) Proceed positively

4) Pursue persistently

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Queen Natural Beauty Certified Salons

If a salon is not QNB Naturally Certified or actively working toward certification, beware!
Many salons claim to be "natural" salons but are still using traditional hair care products and do not know how to properly care for natural hair! Remember, cosmetology school teaches on chemicals, not natural hair! As a matter of fact, in many states, if you only do natural hair, you do not need a formal education! Do not allow this to continue! Demand that your stylist receive natural certification!

Let your stylist know that they can be certified by QNB... the link to sign up for certification is on the left side bar, or you can visit

Look for the signs in your natural salon that says


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Naturally Curly Contest Announcement

Show NaturallyCurly your best Curlformers Curls look for a chance to win one of FOUR FANTASTIC PRIZES!
Giveaways will include a set of Alterna's Life Curls Collection plus a choice of any Curlformers Styling Kit, or any 5 Curlformers Starter Packs, a Styling Hook and a Holdall. Each giveaway will be worth up to $140.00!

Link to contest page:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Weekly Feature

Name: Erica D. (Emac)
City and State: Bay Area, California
Profession: Bartender
How long have you been natural?: 2 years

Did you BC or Transition? Why and what was the experience like?

I didn't have a perm for a long time, maybe 5 years. I just never wore my natural hair because I covered it with weaves and wigs. I consider being natural more than just not having a perm. It's more like a state of mind to me

What prompted you to get on this path?
Well, in addition to learning a lot more about Black history in my college career, I was also watching a lot of women on youtube who were successful in making their natural hair look beautiful, healthy, and glamorous. Studying Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, and Assata Shakur all gave me a deeper insight into myself, the struggles and achievements of Black Americans, and also a greater sense of pride. Watching youtube videos allowed me to question why I did some of the things I did to my hair and also made me confront my insecurities. I found I was insecure about my natural hair and with the information and inspiration on youtube, I was able to build confidence in my natural hair and learn how to care for it properly.

What has the natural experience been like for you?

Great! I love being natural. I love being different and unique and I love that my hair is the healthiest it's ever been. I love the compliments that I receive and I love being able to do my own hair and not have to worry about things like rain and water. I have so much more freedom when it comes to my hair. I don't have to worry about sweating if I want to go to the gym or out to a party. Also, I love washing my hair and not having to worry about blow drying, flat ironing, hot combing, etc. Overall, it's been an amazing experience and I recommend that all Black women at least try it, most will not be disappointed.

Has your life changed since being natural?

Well, I feel being natural is a lot better for me spiritually. I don't know if it was the transformation or just actually being natural but it does something positive and fulfilling for my soul that I can't really describe.It also is liberating because I'm not conforming to the unspoken standards of white beauty that exists in society.

How would you describe your hair? Texture?

My hair is thick and kinky. I have spots in my hair where some hair is more wavy than the rest. I would say the majority of my hair is 4a textured hair.

Whats your hair routine?

I usually wash every other week in the winter. When it gets hotter I will probably wash it every 3 days or so. I love washing my hair and letting it air dry it's just harder when it's cold. I also try to rinse my locs a little bit whenever I'm in the shower. It feels good and is great for keeping my hair moisturized. I often do an apple cider vinegar rinse. I poke a hole in the cap of a plastic water bottle. I fill it up and add about 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, pour it through my hair, and let it sit for at least 15-30 minutes and then rinse out. I don't always twist after I wash so if that's the case I just let it air dry for the rest of the day. I'll spray some olive oil or coconut oil in it but only lightly. I also have a water bottle that I spray on my hair every morning. Locs love water and rinsing.

Any growth tips?

Clean Hair! There are really no secrets here. I eat healthy and wash my hair frequently and I feel like it helps my hair grow faster.

What are your favorite products and/or tools?
I like organic loc and twist gel. Water- based products are the best to use because they don't cause build up in my locs. I usually use clips as well when I want to re-twist.

Whats your favorite hair style? why and how can we achieve it?

Well recently I learned how to make my hair look cute in a bun. I put the back half in a mid pony. Then I put a hair net around my locs to achieve a bun style. Pin it and it looks great. With the top half I usually do a hump with a few locs as bangs. Other than that I've come to just let my locs be and wear them down.

If you blog or vblog whats the info?

I have a youtube channel, emac1286, that's mostly about my loc journey and other little random things. My blog is about everything and anything that's on my heart.

Any tips for others considering going on this natural journey?

I believe being natural is the best thing a black woman can do for her confidence. Just go without the extensions, irons, beauty shops, just for the experience if anything. There's something liberating about it. It made me more confident about myself and also just more appreciative of natural African beauty. You don't have to look like the girls on TV to be beautiful. The best thing you can do for yourself is be you and being natural is a great way to do it. Educate yourself as's not necessarily an easy process but nothing in life worth it is easy but you will thank yourself in the future when your hair is healthy and growing. Also, once you've made the decision stick with it! Don't let others try to change your mind or make you feel bad about your decision. Expect the haters and be prepared, but with me I got much more positive than negative comments.

Rock your natural hair with confidence and be unforgiving. People will secretly admire you for it because you probably have the courage that they never did. Also, you never know who you will inspire through your journey so just keep that in mind when it gets tough and only do it if you're ready.

Where can we keep up with you at? Email, facebook, myspace, blog etc....

Is there any other information that you'd like to give us as it relates to your hair journey???

My hair journey was a calling from God. He spoke and I listened. Ever since then I have no regrets about it. It got tough because I was basically learning things I never knew about afro-textured hair. It's new lifestyle basically and when I look back I can't believe some of the things I would do to my hair and how I was miseducated about how to best take care of my hair and what to put in it. Natural products are the best, I can't stress that enough. Treat your hair like you would treat your body and you should be fine.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Event Cities and Dates.... Is your city on the list?

The Queen Natural Beauty 365 Day Challenge Tour will be coming to your city!

June 12th Birmingham, Alabama

June 15th Tuesday 6pm Lafayette, Louisiana

June 18th Friday 7pm Houston, Texas

June 21st Monday 6pm Dallas, Texas

June 25th Friday 7pm Chicago, Illinois

June 28th Monday 6pm Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

July 2nd Friday 7pm New York, New York


We are getting the dates prepared for the summers tour, but we need corporate sponsorship! We are in talks with several major companies, but this is a free event and without corporate sponsorship it will not be possible! If you are a business owner and would like to know more about the sponsorship opportunities or you know a business owner that may be interested in this mutually beneficial opportunity, email us at Tour Starts June 12th

Rules for a successful Transition

This was a popular topic so I am reblogging...

There is no right or wrong way to transition, only a few things that you need to remember to make the process go a little smoother...

1. Make sure you keep your hair moisturized.
2. Try transitional styles such as braids or even a sew in
3. Co-wash at least once a week
4. I know you want your new growth and the relaxed hair to blend, but please don't flat iron your hair on a regular basis! This can damage the natural curl pattern and cause heat damage!
5. Only do the BC (Big Chop) when you are ready! Don't let anyone pressure you into it! It will only cause you to hate the look!
6. Once you do the BC, don't be afraid to experiment with new styles! Learn what works on your hair and what doesn't
7. If you choose to shampoo your hair instead of co-wash, dilute with a little water
8. Don't expect you hair to look just like someone else! There are several different hair types and your may not look like your neighbors! Thats ok! Just rock it!!!
9. Take 30 or 60 day pictures so that you can see the progress! It will make you feel better about the transition
10. Join online communities (Like Queen Natural Beauty) for support from others around the globe who are transitioning and have transitioned

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sometimes you've just gotta Challenge yourself

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Inspirational Photo of the Day

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hair Accessories Now Available to Order

Please visit the QNB Hair Shop to order hair accessories!
$3.00 each, any size!!!!!!!

QNB 365 Day Challenge!

Queen Natural Beauty founder Stephanie D is taking the company on a challenge that is sure to push us to the next level! Please take a moment to listen to the introduction to the challenge on the left side of this page! We need your support every step of the way! After all, without you, QNB would not be moving in this direction!!!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hair Straitening Systems

There are many hair straitening systems out there. I do not endorse any of these, but I wanted to give you the information needed to make a wise decision.

The big thing right now, especially among the celebrities is the Brazilian Keratin Treatment. Also, called the Brazilian Blow Out, it contains Keratin that is supposedly similar to our hair. It works and no its not quite as harsh as a typical relaxer, but it is still a chemical and has its share of issues. It contains Formaldehyde which is actually what straitens the hair. There are some "Formaldehyde free" formula's but I'm here to tell you that they still have formaldehyde in them, only a smaller amount so that it can be approved by the FDA. Formaldehyde is linked to cancer, skin and scalp irritation, fetal development issues (which is why you can not use when pregnant) and much more! Also, heat in excess of 450 degrees has to be used in the straitening process and we all know heat is not good but that is excessive!

The Japanese straitening system also called Thermal Reconditioning is also another one on the rise. The base ingredient which is the activator is known to cause cancer. It also uses heat in excess of 450 degrees, and is known to cause heat damage

There are so many chemical systems to name, my fingers would hurt to try and type them all. Truth is, putting any chemical on your hair is very dangerous and will always cause more harm than good in the long run. My grand mother use to always say "Everything that looks good is not good for you". I think that saying can easily be applied to this situation.

Want a strait look. My suggestion, flat iron. But please, not on a regular basis!!!! Occasional use of the flat iron is fine, but the damages can be irreversible if done to often, and we know you will not want to BC AGAIN!!!!

Now you know I love my Natural, but I dont know about this one Amber Rose!