Wednesday, April 28, 2010

At age 26 she was elected to the Detroit State House of representatives!

I introduce to you Detroit native State Rep. Shanelle Jackson the youngest woman of color to serve in the house. A citizen proclaimed that she is someone who shows great promise in helping cultivate a new, more diverse, better educated Michigan.

Shanelle Jackson, a product of Northwest Detroit and Cass Technical High School, was just 26 when she was elected last year, making her the youngest woman of color ever to serve in the Michigan legislature. Now in her eleventh month, Jackson spoke to the Michigan Citizen about the adjustments she’s had to make and why she decided to run at such a young age.

“I feel like I was born to be on this path—that this is what God has placed inside of me and my being—wonderful things that are great tools to be used to help others,” Jackson says.

You can read more on the story at the black bottom blog, but I think this is a great example of our young people taking a stand!

This article simply warmed my heart!


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